Las aves del Prado
Las Aves del Prado
World AR of the Garden of the Earthly Delights with hand-tracking combine to raise awareness of birdlife decline in Spain.
Featuring the common swift, the common spoonbill, and the kingfisher.
September 2023 -
SEO/BirdLife, El Prado, Meta Spain -
As selfie birds mode on Instagram, Facebook with animation controls. As Messenger and Instagram calling AR. As Reels highlights and AR Ads -
Via SEO/BirdLife and El Prado and and Meta Spain, includes illustrations of Manuel Garcia (Estudio Brócoli). Coverage:RTVE,National Geographic,Marketing Directo,Top Comunicación,Europa Press,La Vanguardia,Servimedia,Madrid Press,Diario Siglo XXI,Madrid 24h,Corresponsables,El Guadarramista,Econoticas,Interactiva,Ecoavant,Canalsur 51:18 - 54:30,Diario Siglo XXI,Europa Press,Europa Press,La Razón